

Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of Breast Cancer Trials. Membership is open to people who are involved or interested in the conduct of our research program.

Research Member Application

For over 40 years, Breast Cancer Trials (BCT) has conducted an independent, national breast cancer clinical trials research program for the treatment, prevention and cure of breast cancer.

The research program involves multicentre national and international clinical trials and brings together researchers and institutions throughout Australia and New Zealand.

There are two BCT membership categories:

  • Full Member – A Full Member is deemed by the Board to be or will be directly involved in the conduct of the BCT research program.
  • Affiliate Member – An Affiliate Member is deemed by the Board to have an interest in and awareness of BCT, and its’ research activities, but who is not involved in the conduct of the BCT’s research program.


  • Full member benefits

    • Become actively involved in the BCT research program for the benefit of your patients and women generally. You will receive login access to the research section of the BCT website, where you can access important information such as clinical trial protocols and patient eligibility criteria (note that access to some trials on the website may be restricted).
    • Participate in the BCT’s clinical trials research program. You may have the opportunity to become involved in BCT Committees, which set the BCT’s research agenda, and to seek discretionary funding to support research initiatives.
    • Nominate to be a BCT Board member. You also have all Company voting rights and can participate in the BCT Annual General Meeting.
    • Attend the Annual Scientific Meeting, which features leading national and international guest speakers and workshops, where the latest in clinical trials research and breast cancer research is presented and discussed.
  • Affiliate member benefits

    • Membership correspondence, including updates on BCT’s research, fundraising activities and the Annual Report.
    • Invitation to attend the Annual Scientific Meeting, which features leading national and international guest speakers and workshops, where the latest in clinical trial research and breast cancer research is presented and discussed.

The object of the Company ANZ Breast Cancer Trials Group Limited, is to:

  • Design, conduct, analyse, publish and promote clinical trials in breast cancer;
  • Develop and advance the scientific basis of trials; and
  • Collaborate with people, groups, companies and bodies as appropriate to pursue these objectives.

If you agree to uphold these objectives through your collaboration and support of the clinical trials conducted by BCT and wish to apply for membership, please complete the application form below.

There is no membership fee, and liability in the event of termination of the Company is limited to a maximum of $10, in accordance with the Registration of BCT as a Company limited by Guarantee under the Corporations Law (July 1998).

Applications will be considered at the next meeting of the BCT Board of Directors, after which applicants will be notified of membership approval.

For Assistance

If you would like more information about applying for membership or would like a copy of the BCT constitution, please email membership@bctrials.org.au or call +61 2 4925 5255.