Easts Leisure and Golf Club is one of the longest supporting golf clubs in Australia of Breast Cancer Trials. We spoke to their President, Caroline Norrie, about the club’s Tee Off fundraiser and why they continue to support breast cancer clinical trials research.

“I’ve been the Lady President now for three years. Prior to that I was the Honorary Secretary for three years. So, I’ve been involved at committee level for six years now and have been involved in at least the last six Breast Cancer Trials days, which we refer to as gala days. So, each committee that comes on board, it’s their responsibility to organise the gala day. So, we take it as a privilege to be able to do it.”

“Breast Cancer Trials are hugely important because of all the different types of breast cancer that people are getting these days. And from my perspective, it’s important to see if we can find some commonality between the cancers so that we can zone in on some treatment that will help more ladies.”

“We have a personal connection in relation to breast cancer within our club because we’ve had a number of ladies, who have either passed away or who have had breast cancer but who have survived it. So, there’s quite a number of ladies in the club who are friends with these people and so they feel very passionate about supporting breast cancer research.”

“For me personally, I lost my best friend eight years ago to breast cancer and that was very traumatic. So, unfortunately hers wasn’t diagnosed until it was stage 4. So, she didn’t have much of an opportunity to do much about it.”

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We spoke to their President, Caroline Norrie, about the club’s Tee Off fundraiser and why they continue to support breast cancer clinical trials research.

What was the first Tee Off event that you were involved in, and how have they evolved?

“Well, the first Tee Off event I was involved in wasn’t as big as today’s event, and I was the Secretary at the time, so the President at the time was the one overseeing everything, and she did a marvelous job. I can’t remember how many people now, but maybe about 90 to 100. And everybody dressed up and put a lot of effort into decorating their carts and their golf buggies and things like that.”

“Everyone was very generous with their purchase of raffle tickets, and they knew that the money from the raffle tickets was going towards the donation. So, they were very generous towards that. And I think it’s just grown since then because people have become more and more passionate about the cause.”

“It touches so many people’s lives that the men are now really on board with it as well. And so, the minute that we say that we’ve got a breast cancer gala day coming up, they’re only too happy to donate money towards it.”

“I think the most exciting part is knowing how much we’re going to donate, but in terms of the experience of the day, I think it’s being out there, playing and having fun, and then coming in and having a fun lunch with the people that you play golf with every week.”

What is the highlight of your annual Tee Off event?

“Well, apart from the fun that they have out there, because it’s just a completely fun day, I think it’s the fellowship that everybody experiences being together with people who may have had a connection with somebody that has breast cancer. But also, then at the end of the day, we get a bit of a ballpark figure about how much money we’ve raised, and so that’s really exciting, knowing how much money we’ve actually raised, and to be able to ring up and say to Kate or whoever’s on board “we’re close to $4,000” or something like that.”

What would you say to other clubs who were thinking of holding a Tee Off event in the future?

“I would just say, get out there and do it because it’s so rewarding. There’s a lot of work involved in it, but it’s rewarding seeing everybody go to so much trouble to get dressed and to buy things and, to turn up for the lunch.”

“We’ve got a dignitaries table, and they will come every year just to support our function, which is just wonderful, and I think if clubs are thinking of doing it, just give it a go. See how they go for the first year and see if they can grow from there.”

“It feels so rewarding and really fulfilling that something you’re doing, even if it’s only on a small scale, can go towards helping a company research breast cancer and possibly find some sort of answers for some women who’ve got cancer.”


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