


A Concept Development Workshop will be held at Breast Cancer Trials (BCT) 41st Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM), which is aimed at providing an opportunity for BCT members and non-members to present new research ideas.

The workshop will involve a presentation of each new research concept, followed by discussion and feedback from the audience, to test the idea for relevance, scientific merit, feasibility and interest. The audience will include BCT Scientific Advisory Committee members, prominent BCT researchers, Consumer Advisory Panel members, ASM speakers and senior BCT staff.

This workshop will determine which ideas have the strength to move forward to a more formal stage of BCT’s concept development process, which will involve working with members of BCT’s Scientific Advisory Committee and associated working parties. Research concepts that have scientific merit and will enhance BCT’s research program, may also be supported through BCT’s discretionary funding opportunities.

To register your interest in presenting at the workshop and developing a new research idea, please complete a Concept Proposal Form (see below) and return to research-funding@bctrials.org.au.

The closing date for Concept Proposal Submissions is Friday 3 May 2019.

The workshop will be held from 1-4:30pm, Wednesday 24 July 2019, at Hilton Adelaide, South Australia.


  • Fulfils the definition of translational or clinical research
  • Competitive science
  • Contribution to area of unmet need in Australia or New Zealand
  • Feasible as BCT coordinated research
  • Fundable (contestable funding and/or charitable sources)


  • Concept submissions will be peer reviewed
  • Three/Four concepts will be chosen for presentation
  • Following presentation of the concept a critique will be provided BCT
  • The process is intended to be constructive and result in refinement of the concept – with the aim of becoming a BCT sponsored Protocol

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